Discover the Essentials of Cacao
Cacao, a fruit flourishing in the equatorial regions of Central and South America and Africa, has been known for centuries to be beneficial for human health and wellbeing.
Mayan and Aztec civilizations revered it, incorporating cacao into rituals and daily life. It was given the name Theobroma Cacao in the first classification of plants by a Westerner. ‘Theobroma’ in Greek means “food from the Gods”.
In its pure form, cacao is a potent source of antioxidants, boasting high levels of zinc, iron, and magnesium. Theobromine, a compound similar to caffeine, provides a gradual energy boost without the typical crash associated with coffee. Anandamide, also known as the "bbliss molecule," engages with our endogenous cannabinoid receptors, inducing feelings of joy and relaxation. Additionally, cacao contains phenethylamine (PEA), referred to as the "love molecule,";; the same neurotransmitter released when experiencing love.
What to Expect:
Cacao can offer an energising and heart-opening experience for many, supporting the exploration of emotions such as love, purpose, and joy. It complements movement practices, facilitating emotional release. As a medicinal ally, cacao encourages introspection, shedding light on both strengths and shadows. By ‘s‘shadows’’ we don’t mean a dark obscure part of our being but parts of us we have for different reasons needed to suppress. As we grow, we learn to comply with the expectations that our parents, friends, teachers, partners, colleagues and society have of us. This means we sometimes disconnect from parts of us because we believe that they will not be accepted. And, in the loving guidance of cacao, if these shadows or areas of discomfort show up, we can gently welcome them and integrate them in the safety of this space.
Safety Notes:
- Antidepressants: The monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOls) in cacao, which allow for the absorption of neurotransmitters in the body, can interact with some antidepressant medications, and create unpleasant side effects, such as migraine headaches. We recommend not drinking cacao if you are taking high dose antidepressants, mainly, MAOIs.
- Food sensitivities & acid reflux: If avoiding fermented foods, note that cacao undergoes fermentation before roasting. Its bitterness can contribute to acid reflux. - Pregnancy & breastfeeding: No known contraindications for expectant mothers, however, for your safety, we suggest you inquire with your physician before drinking Cacao.
- Heart conditions: Cacao increases heart rate 20-30%, so if you are taking heart medication or have a pacemaker, a smaller serving of cacao, and noticing how the body responds to it, is advised. Cacao also lowers blood pressure, so a smaller serving is appropriate here as well.
Please be aware that the cacao ceremony is an optional part of the retreat, and we are happy to discuss any concerns with you before we begin. *You should consult your healthcare advisor before taking part if you have any concerns* (or something reassuring like this)